Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh crud. Ripoffreport removes the link. Anyway, I'll repost what I wrote on ripoffreport:

Wow! You finally replied! I was waiting for you! Sorry to mislead you but the first post was made by a someone who contacted me who saw thru your scamming ways. We agreed to write about your fraudulent activity. Although I wrote most of it, she wrote some of it as well. She posted it for me because I'm busy most of the time doing HONEST work!

Harrassing you? I think not! I'm simply telling the TRUTH! You created this situation for yourself! About the SCARLETT FINNER STORY, (please type ebay item number on ebay.com search engine: 300131473894) you COPIED IT!
It wasn't published after your listing which ended on July 2007 as you said you LIAR! It was first published on 2003!!!


As for the DJINN INFORMATION, you did COPY IT from this site - http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~aasmith/al-dakan/djinn.pdf

Here is the proof: http://web.archive.org/web/20070519073001/http://www.onstar28607.com/information1.html
Sorry to give you the cached link.

About the UAMD and elitecollectors report, I didn't even know about it until you mentioned it. You wrote that report! How come you knew about it? Have you been spying on them??? First of all, I don't have anything against the Elitecollectors and UAMD. Second, I do not stand to benefit from reporting them.

Third, you are the one who's going to benefit from ruining other sellers reputations since you are a seller yourself and you have mentioned in your eBay listings that other sellers are copying your listings and they are fake yadda yadda...

Did you really speak with a group of sellers? The UAMD and Elitecollectors? I'll ask them if you did. Also, why the sudden change of heart??? You used to accuse me of being a part of their group and now you suddenly turn around and say that I was the one who

made that report? Isn't that suspicious? You're trying to implicate me aren't you? Can't you be consistent? Jeeezzz....

Also,you are the one who made this yahoo Q&A: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index.php?qid=20070629173433AAnzxW7
You created it to badmouth other sellers! Isn't it suspicious that "Todd M" replies and says "My personal favorite is onstar28607".Hahahaha! You are gw4k! You changed 'gw4k' to 'Nickleback'.

(for readers: google 'gw4k' and 'yahoo', look for the "Yahoo! Answers - What would happen if a wolf got bitten by a werewolf?" link and click on the 'cached' link then look for gw4k's icon and click on it. You will see that it's Nickleback's profile that shows up.)

On this link it says that the name of user is "Luke Miller" - (http://profiles.yahoo.com/gw4k)
I screencapped it for your convenience just in case you delete it.

Oh here's another one. You COPY TESTIMONIALS!
You've copied the testimonial for this item! (For readers, type 300140399079 on eBay search engine) from this website - http://www.egyptian-witchcraft.com/guestbook/Guestbook-20.htm

"Wednesday, 9. May 2007 04:16

Name: KK

Location: germany

Comments: Hallo erstmal, ich wußte echt nicht ob ich daran glaube soll oder nicht, bis heute weiß ich es noch nicht. Aber es sind Sachen passiert für die ich keinerlei Erklärung habe. Ich habe meinen PCR-Zauber letztes Jahr im August bei Aisha in Auftrag gegeben und als ich den Fetisch erhielt hab ich meine große Liebe ständig gesehen, was mir sehr weh tat weil er jemanden neues hatte......"

YOU JUST CHANGED AISHA TO LUKE! And don't tell me that she copied it off from you. It's clear that the testimonial was posted on May 9, 2007 and your listing ended on Aug 2007!

Another one from the same listing (For readers, type 300140399079 on eBay search engine):

"Thursday, 10. May 2007 02:19

Name: blessed

Location: Australia

Comments: Aisha and Miriam thank you so much for you confidents, support and encouragement to have faith. My heart and thoughts will always be with you both and i will be forever grateful. To all people out there please dont waste your time, money and hopes on other casters. I tried everything and never had any results, aisha is really amazing i got results as soon as a month after recieving my tailsman and i was so skeptical and negative that nothing was going to happened but i was totally shocked to see the results i was looking for unfold before me. Please give it a go and believe. Thank you again"

(from - http://www.egyptian-witchcraft.com/guestbook/Guestbook-10.htm)

I got your address and telephone number from doing a who is search and this is what I got:

Admin Name........... Lucas Patterson Miller
Admin Address........ 1111 Howards Creek Rd
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Boone
Admin Address........ 28607
Admin Address........ NC
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
Admin Email.......... onstar28607@yahoo.com
Admin Phone.......... +1.8282638334

You said that I didn't receive the package and then you say I got the address from buying from you??? Don't confuse the readers please! Get your facts straight! Readers, I only bought the spirit guide spell from him although it's obvious that from his listings that he has been copying the descriptions. For more information on the spirit guide spell, please visit onstar28607-is-fake.blogspot.com.

Thanks for promoting my blog by the way! You just made it so much easier for me!

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